
Saturday, 26 April 2014

Art at the Bank III: 28th April 2014

There will be another pop-up art show at Barclays Bank in Headington on Monday 28th April 2014.

This is another chance for you to get a preview of the work by Headington and Marston artists that will be on show during Oxford Artweeks from 17th to 26th May.

This time the focus will be on artists working in clay.

Vicki Hallum will be demonstrating clay head portraits, Marieke O'Connor showing her pressed clay containers, bowls and plates, and Lou Cox exhibiting white ceramic lamps.

In addition, textile artist Alison Pearson, a member of Art at St Andrews will also be there, promoting Art at St Andrews.  Jean Wykes will also be there putting together the school childrens' poster exhibition, promoting Heads of Headington for Headington and Marston Artweeks.   These posters will be on display in the Bank throughout May.

On Monday 28th the artworks will be on show at the Bank from 09:30 until 16:30.

For more information keep visiting this website, and follow us on twitter @HArtWeeks

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Pictures from Shetland

Ross Mackenzie has been adding more Shetland images to the collection that he'll have on show, and for sale, during Oxford Artweeks.

You can get a preview of the images on Ross' website, and see them for yourself when Artweeks starts in Headington on Saturday 17th May 2014.

Lou Cox

Warm Embrace
Lou Cox will be exhibiting with Kennett Road artists in Headington 17th-26th May, 12-6pm.

Lou will be exhibiting beautiful sculptures of the female form and sculptural lighting in porcelain and clay.

The sculptural light pictured is called Warm Embrace and is hand built in white clay.

Lou explains: "This sculpture had many inspirational starting points. I am interested in how birds flock together. I looked at starlings and admired the way they dance with each other at sunset. This is called a murmuration and is one of the most beautiful natural experiences. I love the way the birds glide and swoop in group formation and by uniting together the birds are safe and protected from predators. I was also partly inspired by my dear grandfather, who introduced me to nature and taught me about the stars and galaxies."

"I create sculptures that offer a sensory experience. The use of light, warmth and textures can also be enjoyed by a person with visual impairment."

Warm Embrace is a unique sculpture and glows beautifully when lit up; come and see for yourself at 13 Kennett Road in Headington, Oxford, 17th-26th May, 12-6pm.

For more information and commissions email

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Coffee with your Art?

The selection of images from Headington Artists at Coco Noir has changed again.

So that's a perfect excuse to stop off for a coffee or some chocolate while you're in Headington.

Coco Noir is at 77A London Road in Headington.